Saturday, October 16, 2010

Autumn Song

Lately, it seems like trials have come my way. I've been reminded of two places in Scripture recently: John 15:1-9 where Jesus tells us that He is the Vine and His Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Him that bears fruit will be pruned so that it may bear more fruit. And, Hebrews 12:10-11 where the author tells us that God disciplines us for our good and even though it may be hard to go through, for those who have been trained by it, afterwards, it yields the peacable fruit of righteousness.

The message I believe God has been sending me is that even though the trials and seasons of life may seem difficult and challenging for their time, if we allow ourselves; in fact, if we yield ourselves to God's pruning in our lives, the dead will be cutoff and that which remains will be and do more to bring glory to Him.

Any experienced gardener will tell you this is a true principle. Plants of all kinds benefit from light to heavy yearly pruning. And, pruning of different plants is seasonal. Even my pansies benefit from being 'deadheaded'. We snip off the spent flowers and toss them into the planting bed where the flowers are growing. The seeds fall from the spent flowers, and next year will bear more.

Every year about this time, I go back to a poem I wrote some years ago and evaluate where I am in light of the words God gave me. It's probably my favorite of all the ones I've written over the years and I decided to post it here in case anyone else would like it. I was driving along with no thought in mind about writing, thanking God for the beauty of the autumn around me and it's as though the words echoed in my mind and heart so strongly that I had to pull over grab whatever I had to write on and with and jot it down. I love it when God speaks to me like that!

We've had a beautiful Fall this year. We were just up at the top of Viking Mountain this morning for a short hike on the Appalachian Trail, admiring the beauty of the view. It's always humbling to me when I see the beauty of God's handiwork. Man takes so much credit for what surrounds him in this world, but, I am ever reminded of God's words to Job: "where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?"

How I pray these words I wrote some years ago will be always true in my life!

Autumn Song

One morning I arose, and it seemed to me
That flames were dancing in every tree
Masses of colors so vivid and bright
Liquid opacity in the light.

Each day dawned a new surprise
As changes of color met my eyes
A rainbow would almost pale by these
As the flames kept dancing in the trees.

In days, the flames begin to dim
And I reflect and ask myself; “am I like them?”
But wait what do I see there in the sky?
Is that a twinkle in God’s eye?
Is it a message there for me
In the dimming of those trees?

Clothed once in finery lush and green
Ripped away by a foe unseen
Do they seem now not as grand
Reaching towards heaven with outstreched hands?

Their leaves whispered songs that only trees know
But now, they stand so very alone
But wait, what do I see there in the sky?
Is that a twinkle in God’s eye?
Is it a message there for me
In the lonliness of those trees?

Is it only when our glory is faded and gone
That God our attention has finally won?
Like the tree without its leaves does stand
Before its Maker with outstretched hands
Is there a message there for me
In the nakedness of that tree?
Whose roots reach down in soil deep
To find its strength in the winter’s sleep?

Yes, there’s a message in that tree
May my faith ever be
Unshakeable upon roots that reach below
All the things of this world that I know
Below the surface; so that I may stand
On the foundation built with heavenly hands.

In those seasons of my life
Filled with gladness yet fraught with strive
Where can I go, Lord, where will You be?
Right there in the message of those trees.

Oh Lord, let my praises be
As firmly rooted as those trees,
Stripped of all to boast upon
All my pride and self undone
My heart to YOU...fully won.

Jan Rogers
November 14, 2002